Dance is a passion you can never escape.
Who can tell you better about us than Beata Paderewska, the founder and head designer of Dancebox … ?
Dear visitor and hopefully future friend 🙂
Since my first ballet lessons as a child in Poland, discovering Ballroom dancing as a teenager, dancing internationally as an amateur, and finally dancing in Australia at the top level, I have stayed all my life in close contact with the world of Latin and Ballroom dancing. Already as a teenager, I designed and made my own dresses for competitions and this probably directed me naturally to my future studies to become a professional fashion designer.
I have been happy to be able to collaborate with some of Australia’s finest designers and well-known fashion brands over the years, sometimes in a team, often alone, as well as successfully designing my own collections. But dancing always remained my first love.
Back in Europe, I decided that I want to finally unite my two life passions:
Dance & Design
Designing and making amazing Latin and Ballroom dresses for dancers of every age and level.
Outfits that fit, move beautifully, shine and sparkle and complement each dancer’s figure and movements. By using only the finest fabrics and embellishments available, making each dress unique. And the most important: Making the dancer feel so special and sure of herself that she can concentrate on the essential: DANCE !
Together with my business and life partner Andreas and our team of professionals, we offer you everything that makes a dancer’s heart beat faster.
Fabulous Practice Wear Collections for training and social dancing.
You can buy those through our own webshop here or through our partners in the USA, Australia, UK, and Germany.
Spectacular Haute Couture competition dresses
We are proud to present to you an amazing choice of competition dresses “ready to dance “
Or if you have been dreaming lately about some very special dress idea, we are also more than happy to design and make your one and only custom made Competition Dream Dress in close teamwork with you, so you can sparkle and shine like a star on the dance floor.
Welcome to the world of Dance Box !
Beata Paderewska